Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Apa Reference Examples Essays

Apa Reference Examples Essays Apa Reference Examples Essay Apa Reference Examples Essay Bosshardt, W. , Van Der Klaauw, W. , Watts, M. (2011). Economics coursework and long-term behavior and experiences of college graduates in labor markets and personal finance. Economic Inquiry, 49(3), 771-794. Atkinson, B. , Heath, A. , Chenail, R. (1991). Qualitative research and the legitimization of knowledge. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 17(2), 175-18. Battistelli, A. , Galletta, M. , Portoghese, I. (2012). Mindsets of commitment and motivation: interrelationships and contribution to work outcomes. The Journal of Psychology, 147(1), 17-48. Benjamin, B. O’Reilly, C. (2011). Becoming a Leader: Early career challenges faced by MBA graduates. Academy of management learning education, 10(3), 452-472. Brewer, K. L. , Brewer, P. D. (2012). Influencing variables and perceptions regarding MBA degree programs. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 16(4), 27-38. Brown, D. J. , Cober, R. T. , Kane, K. , Levy, P. E. , Shalhoop,J. (2006). Proactive personality and the successful job search: A field investigation with college graduates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(3), 717-726. Brown, S. D. , Fischer, A. , Nord, D. Solberg, V. S. (1995). Career Decision-Making and career Search Activities: Relative effects of career search self-efficacy and human agency. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42(4), 448-455. Bruce, G. (2010). Exploring the value of MBA degrees: Students’ experiences in full- time, part-time, and executive MBA programs. Journal of Education for Business, 85, 38-44. Corner, J. (1991). In search of m ore complete answers to research questions: Quantitative versus qualitative research methods is there a way forward? Journal of Research, 16, 3, 718-727. Crant, J. M. (2000). Proactive behavior in Organizational. Journal of Management, 26, 435-462. Crede, M. , Kuncel, N. (2008). Study habits, skills, and attitudes: The third pillar supporting collegiate academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3, 425-453. de Leeuw, E. D. (2008). Choosing the method of data collection. In E. D. de Leeuw, J. J. Hox, D. A. Dillman (Eds. ), International handbook of survey methodology (pp. 113-135). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Duffy , M. E. (1985). Designing research the qualitative –quantitative debate. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 11, 3, 225-232. Eisner, S. (2010). Grave new world? Workplace skills for today’s college graduates. American Journal of Business Education, 24-27. Fink, A (2009). How to conduct Survey; a step by step guide. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE. Griffin, R. , MacKewn, A. , Moser, E. , Van Vuren, K. W. (2012). Learning skills and motivation: correlates to superior academic performance. Business Education Accreditation 5(1). Howard, C. M. , Schnusenberg, O. (2012). Student preparation and personality traits in the job market. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 16, 35-53. Kardam, B. L. Rangnekar, S. (2012). Job satisfaction: Investigating the role of experience education. Journal of Arts, Science Commerce, 4(1), 16-22. Khan, N. S. , Riaz, A. , Rashid, M. (2011). The impact of work content, working conditions, career growth on employee motivation. Interdisciplinary Journal of contemporary research in business, 3(3), 1428-1434. Meila, K. M. (1982). Qualitative methodology. Journal of Advanc ed Nursing, 7, 4, 327-335. Meyer, J. P. , Becker, T. E. , Vandenberghe, C. (2004). Employee commitment and motivation: A conceptual analysis and integrative model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 991-1007. Putman, D. B. (2002). Job satisfaction and performance viewed from a two dimensional model, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, 26-28. Ridgell, S. , Lounsbury, J. (2004). Predicting academic success: general intelligence, â€Å"Big Five† personality traits, and work drive. College Student Journal, 38(4), 607-618. Rowden, R. W. (2002). The relationship between workplace learning and job satisfaction in US small midsize businesses, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 13(4), 407-25. Swaminathan, S. , Jawahar, P. D. (2013). Job satisfaction as a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior: An empirical study. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(1) 71-80. Tantiverdi, H. (2008). â€Å"Worker’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment: Mediator variable relationship of organizational commitment factors’, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 14. Tanyel, F. , Mitchell, M. A. , McAlum, H. G. (1999). The skill set for success of new business school graduates: Do prospective employers and university faculty agree? Journal of Education for business, 35.

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