Saturday, December 28, 2019

War and Peace in the Quran Free Essay Example, 3500 words

Jihad can be hardly understood by the Westerners. To tell the truth, even Muslims themselves have long been negotiating about the issues of war and peace and jihad, respectively. Regarding modern Islamic discourse of war and peace, historical events, a process of decolonization etc, Muslim intellectuals have started to express common points of view on jihad. Though certain debates are still echoed in the Islamic world, processes of globalization and international relations development have shifted from jihad, in comparison with the Medieval Age (Holmes 1989). Moreover, it is relevant nowadays not only to reconsider and reinterpret Islamic considerations about jihad but also try to find out something positive and alternative for the Western theory of war and peace. Two main sources of Islamic ethics are Qur'an and practice (Sunna) of the prophet Muhammad. Let s turn our attention to these two sources and to considerations of the grounds of war and the means of war in the Medieval Age . Moreover, it is interesting to find out common features between Islamic and Western traditions, i.e. between jihad and Just War. The main controversy about jihad occurs on the basis of the juristic historical definition of war and peace and not philosophical or ethical sources. We will write a custom essay sample on War and Peace in the Quran or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Thus essential political issues of that period remained uncovered and ethics was not applied to specific situations. Islamic history of the end of the fourteenth century has the following lines: wars and different kinds of fighting have always occurred in the world since God created it (Qur an).

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Role of the Witches in Macbeth Essay - 996 Words

The Role of the Witches in Macbeth In the play, Shakespeare used the witches to represent the supernatural, evil, a destructive force and an inversion of natural order. At the time the play was written, people believed this, and feared witches. People believed that witches had the power to change the weather and other special powers such as predicting the future and the power of flight. In Act 1 Scene 1 Shakespeare begins the play with the witches discussing when they should next meet. He does this because he wants the audience to be curious about the witches, and what role they play. We also see in this scene that the†¦show more content†¦In Act 1 Scene 2 Macbeth fought bravely against the strong force of the Norwegian troops. When Duncan of Macbeths bravery he confers on him the brave title Thane of Cawdor after the previous Thane of Cawdor was recently found a traitor. Before this news reaches Macbeth, he meets the witches in Act 1 Scene 3. In this scene, the witches are portrayed as Instruments of darkness. In weather such as thunder, the witches are plotting to torment a sea captain whos wife insulted them. Banquo described the witches as unearthly, ugly and wild as they have beards. The witches make three predictions for Macbeth. They hail him as the Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and King hereafter. They also prophecies that Banquos descendants will be kings but he himself will not. The witches also make more predictions for banquo such as Lesser than Macbeth, and greater and Not so happy, yet much happier meaning he will be not so happy because he will have an early death, but he will be happier as he doesnt have to suffer wit the guilt of killing so many people. When Banquo hears of the prophecies, he thinks that they are ridiclous and he doesnt believe or trust them as they came from witches and may be a trick leading to evil. BanquoShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of The Witches In Macbeth735 Words   |  3 Pages In the play Macbeth the three witches managed to change the future to what they had predicted. Other types of fantasy also played a role in making the tragic ending. These sorts of witchcraft or in other words magic made the play what it is and conveyed character such as Macbeth to do and think of certain things. The witches played a huge role in the story of Macbeth and made him become who he ends up as. Macbeth was a very honorable knight that served king Duncan till his last breath. He didRead MoreThe Role Of The Witches In Macbeth1395 Words   |  6 Pages In the novel Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is told his prophecy by the three witches, mysterious, secretive creatures, who we are left to develop our own vision of. Witches are known to represent evil, envy, and are always the villains of the story. In this novel, they are illustrated very similarly. In the beginning of the story, we learn that the witches are somehow associated with the weather, can cast spells, and like to take revenge. Macbeth pays the witches a visit to ask for hisRead MoreRole of the Witches in Macbeth1040 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth is a play about morals and how people can be easily influenced. The audience at the time when the play was written were more superstitious than we are. They believed in witches and thought that they were the devils disciples. They were believed to be able to control the weather, blamed many things, such as outbreaks of disease on them. The first people to meet the Witches are Banquo and Macbeth. They find the witches appearance is vile. We can see this as Banquo says that â€Å"(they) look notRead More Roles of the Witches in Macbeth Essay787 Words   |  4 PagesThe Roles of the Witches in the Play Macbeth In this essay I will look at the role of the three witches and the influence they have on many of the central characters within Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. I will begin by outlining how the audience would have viewed the appearance of the witches on stage, and move on to show how Shakespeare used language to make them into a mystical yet strong presence. In Jacobean England, when Macbeth was first staged, the audience would have had a veryRead MoreRole Of Witches In Macbeth1160 Words   |  5 PagesThe Wicked Witches of Scotland Throughout history, people have often fought over power and used it to dominate others. There are many forms of power such as physical strength, knowledge, wealth, possessions, and fear. These are simple, mundane powers that people can wield. However, in many religions and some superstitions, people believe in beings who possess supernatural powers. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth there are such beings, more specifically witches, who have many paranormal capabilitiesRead MoreWitches Role in Macbeth2482 Words   |  10 Pagesthe powers of witches, and witchcraft became the object of morbid and fevered fascination. Between 1560 and 1605 hundreds of people (mainly women) were convicted as witches and executed. Witches were credited with diabolical powers. They could predict the future, bring on night in daytime, cause fogs and tempests and kill animals. They cursed animals with fatal wasting disease and could raise evil spirits by concocting a horrible brew with nauseating ingr edients. It was believed witches allowed theRead More Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - Role of the Witches1288 Words   |  6 PagesThe Role of the Witches in Macbeth  Ã‚   When Shakespeare wrote his play, Macbeth in 1606 a large majority of people were interested in witchcraft. This is why Shakespeare made the witches and the witches’ prophecies play a major part in the storyline of the play. In the time of Macbeth witches were not thought to be supernatural beings themselves, but supposedly gained their powers by selling their souls to Satan. There can be little doubt that most of Shakespeare’s audience would have believedRead More The Role of the Witches in the Downfall of Shakespeares MacBeth688 Words   |  3 PagesThe Role of the Witches in the Downfall of Shakespeares MacBeth MacBeth by William Shakespeare is a play which shows the uprise of MacBeth, the treachery and his eventual downfall. Witchcraft plays a major part in MacBeths actions and his weak character is easily manipulated. Although being an honest and brave man earlier, his ambition clouds his judgement. His life is tragic and through some terrible deeds ends in catastrophe. MacBeth is Thane of Glamis and a highly honorable and respectedRead MoreThe Roles of Witches in William Shakespeares Macbeth Essay1067 Words   |  5 PagesThe Roles of Witches in William Shakespeares Macbeth In the Elizabethan times, the people believed in witches and witchcraft. They were described as ugly and evil. Nowadays the people would not believe in them. The people in the Elizabethan times would be very scared of witches. This was equivalent to the people of nowadays being frightened about terrorists. The people thought that they were powerful beings. They thought that they would cast spells on them; they thoughtRead MoreThe Role of the Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay1108 Words   |  5 PagesThe Role of the Witches in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare some time between 1603 and 1606 and is set in Scotland around 1040. The time it was written coincides with the reign of King James the First of England. King James showed a great interest in witches and powers of the supernatural and Macbeth was arguably written to impress the king in what were violent times. Shakespeare used witches as pivotal characters to create

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Computer Addiction Essay Example For Students

Computer Addiction Essay March 2, 2000 There once was a time when the only computers known to the averageperson were those the military possessed. Eventually, large corporations foundmany different uses for computers in the business world, and today, computersare as common in numerous households around the globe. People from all agegroups are learning to operate computers and anyone who has worked withcomputers for long periods of time knows that computers can be just as addictingas smoking. Computer addiction can have a number of physical, social, andpsychological effects on a person and it is to be taken as seriously as anyother addiction that a person is battling. One common physical effect computeraddiction can have on a person are back problems. Sitting for so long can take atoll on a persons muscles and can result in poor posture. Poor posture canresult in chronic back problems that require the services of a chiropractor. Dryeyes, carpal tunnel syndrome, and vision complications are some eye problemsca used by over use of a computer. Migraine headaches are quite common incomputer addiction and are linked to the straining of the eyes. Because of thelong hours spent engrossed in a computer, addicts often have eatingirregularities, such as skipping meals and binge eating. Computer addictsexperience sleep disturbances, or changes in sleeping patterns, which are mostlikely due to late hours on the computer and low blood sugar from eatingirregularities. One last effect is the failure to attend to personal hygiene,such as bathing, combing hair and brushing teeth. All of these physical effectscan be linked to computer addiction. Social effects of computer addictioninclude reduced time spent socializing with others. People may begin to feelthat their computer is the only relationship that they have the time to focuson. They lose the desire for human contact and communication and in a way theyare breaking away from reality. Lacking the desire to make contact with others,means lacking the de sire to create new relationships or to build on alreadyexisting ones. After a certain amount of time, they lose their conversationskills completely. Within the lives of computer addicts it is their friends andfamily that suffer the most from this form of alienation. They are often movedto the very bottom of the computer addicts list of priorities. Computeraddiction has the power to cause serious social effects and cannot be leftuntreated. Along with the physical and social effects of computer addictionthere are also psychological effects. Some psychological symptoms experienced bycomputer addicts when they are not at the computer are feelings of depression,emptiness, irritability, distraction and withdrawal. Feelings that are commonwhen addicts are at the computer are a sense of euphoria or well-being. Thesesenses of complete ecstasy and pleasure also causes and inability for people whoare addicted to computers to stop the activity. They end up having a constantcraving for more time at the computer, and this is where one can identify anaddiction. Along with addiction comes a need to cover up their secret andcomputer addicts often lie to those around them. For example lying to employers,and family members about their hours spent at the computer and also denying theyhave a problem. This lying a sneaking around eventually results in problemseither at school or at work. The psychological effects of computer addiction maynot only lead to distraction and emptiness but may also lead to criticaldepression. When people think of addictions, no one ever thinks of computeraddiction to actually be common. In this age of computers, computer addictionwill only increase as time passes. More and more people will experience thephysical, social, and psychological effects of computer addiction but,thankfully, like other addictions, this condition is treatable. .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 , .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .postImageUrl , .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 , .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274:hover , .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274:visited , .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274:active { border:0!important; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274:active , .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274 .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2aae0ad4f04ab39b7208f1a1993fa274:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Oxygen Essay Thesis

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Importance Of An Information Security Of Softsolutions †Samples

Question: Discuss about the Importance Of An Information Security Of Softsolutions. Answer: Introduction As a company grows, the need for establishing a formal information security plan becomes a must, especially when the business is expanding. The more the employees, threat of data theft becomes more probable. Earlier the Company could easily manage the security of their information simply because of the less number of employees, hence tracking their movements were easy. But as an entity expands, need for a formal and more structured approach for security of the information becomes a necessity (Garrett). I being appointed as the information security manager of the Company, would detail out a formal report wherein I would be highlighting about the methodology that would be undertaken for managing the security of the data of the Company. The report would be designed in a manner wherein first and foremost the need and the role a formal structure would play for the organization. Further the various weaknesses which it would address will be discussed and what would be the implications in ca se of any theft of information which this said formal structure would help to manage and mitigate to some extent. I would also detail about the reasons behind having a formal policy and the benefits a company would derive out of such a policy. Last but not the least, to convince the readers further about the viability of my job, I would like to state a glimpse of therisk management plan that I have in mind with regards, managing the employment of the 20 people post acquisition of TransAct. Role Of An Information Security Manager In The It Governance Of A Company As an information security manager, I totally respect the fact that till date SoftSolutions have been successfully been able to manage the security of their data via installing various adhoc and unstructured methods. However the same was feasible until and unless the number of employees were small as when the business is small then it is easy for the owners to keep a strict vigilance personally. But the same demands for a more formalised structure when the number of employees shoots up above twenty five (Ansanelli,2005). Security is the most important factor for all entities. Outside hackers are not always a matter of concern, but also protection of internal hardware from leaking the confidential data is of equal concern. If a single customers data also gets disclosed, then the company ends up compromising on its reputation as well as trust. The job being done by SoftSoutions entails a huge amount of customer database as its job creation of websites for them, setting up of small crucial database containing critical information, which when revealed to the competition can lead to a financial loss to the client. As the business expands, need to protect the same becomes more critical as the employees are shifting from desktop operations to laptops and tablets, hence have a continuous access of information anywhere anytime. If there can be a leakage of data in Target wherein the security system was too tight, then happening of the same in a small company is not a difficult task. Thus the main role of an information security manager is to maintain a balance between the risks that are already present as well as those that are anticipated for the future. A companys level of risks undergoes change every month and it is the duty of an information security manager to be able to gauge such a change well in advance, thus we as security managers are proactive in dealing with such leakages and security threats (Brothy, 2008). Apart from managing the basic security hacks and risks, an information security managers job is also in managing the IT governance of any company. With acquisitions, the company would have more people on the board and due to the same, IT governance plays an integral role. IT governance comprises of guidance, organizational structures and the procedures that help to secure the data. IT security governance have five essential results. Firstly, it enables coalition of the safety of data with the business so that the aims of the entity are met. Secondly, it helps to manage risk by implementing suitable methods to direct and lessen risks and decrease possible implications on the information resources to a state which is acceptable by all. Thirdly,management of resources by making use of the information security knowledge and the infrastructure effectively. Fourthly, IT governance helps to measure, check upon and report information security governance metrics so as to conform achievement o f the goals of an entity. Lastly, value delivery by optimising information security investments in support of organisational objectives. Threats That A Formal Secuity Plan Would Deal With As is discussed above, being an information security manager, one of the main function is to ensure that the various weaknesses and threats to the data security is dealt with on time and in a more structured manner. On studying the working of the company, one of the biggest threat that the formal structure would deal with is keeping a track of the various applications being downloaded by the employees on their device. Since they have the liberty to download to any such software or hardware or datamanagement processes, hence their IP address should be tracked whenever a suspicion is felt. Further, the employees should not be allowed to work on road or within other businesses as this would lead to theft of their programming solutions due to which the company may end up losing various clients as well. Apart from that, the employees also have an access to the customers data which can be misused by them and SoftSolutions would not be aware also. Further the Wi-fi being used at various loc ations is also not reliable enough as various hackers create such false networks via which they steal the personal information of the customers. If the same is not managed then the company would be at a reputational as well as financial loss. I would also suggest that since the employees are using their devices mobile, hence VPN should be adopted which helps to protect the information since it encrypts all the things that are being sent thereby ensuring better protection (Cobb, 2015). Thus by installing all these protection and ensuring that the Wi-fis are avoided to be used at unknown places can help to deal with the issue in a better manner. Further the company should lock some of the websites which the employees cannot access even if the internet connection is an outside one. There systems should be thoroughly checked often and the access of the entire system should be made available at a host system whose access should only be with Tim and Catherine (Kochetkova, 2015). By doing so the employees would also be aware that any theft, they would be caught easily. Methodology For The Devlopment Of An Informtaion Security Policy The main aim behind the said methodology is that it would act as the main source and will provide a universal direction for the development, execution and preservation of an efficient and developing information security policy. The methodology is divided into five phases. The first is that of the assessment of the security required with regards the information which includes analysing the areas of threats and how the same should be safeguarded. Second is the construction of a policy which mainly concentrates upon development of the contents of the policy, who are the target audiences at whom the policy aims, its scope, the rules and regulations laid down for the employees and how the security of data would be managed. Third is the implementation of the policy, prior to which a thorough analysis oft he policy is done again so that any ambiguity is cleared and the same is valid enough to be rolled out formally within the organization. Fourth, maintenance of the existing policy as the t echnology changes, the ways of stealing the data improves too, hence the policy needs to be reviewed on a timely basis so that adequate changes as per the needs of the company is made. Lastly is the support of the employees which is one of the crucial as well. One of the most striking factor for the success of any policy document is the support from the employees, else it would be difficult to maintain the security and safety of information within the organization (Ramdeyal Eloff, 2010). Reasons For Developing A Formal Information Security Policy First and foremost, in a Company wherein no formal policy exists, the employees tend to behave in a notorious manner. As soon as the entire policy of information security is written in black and white and a consent of the employees are undertaken to abide with the same, theft lessens considerably. In such a manner, SoftSolution would be able to charge the employees with adequate punishments in case of any hacks and thefts (Brdiczka, 2014). Thereby a formal information security policy is a must specifically for companies which are growing because it safeguards the entities via upbeat strategy stands, develops laid down rules and regulations with regards how a user is required or expected to behave which covers the IT personnel as well, spell out clearly what be the outcomes in case of any such violations, formulate and develop baseline stance on security and protection so as to lessen the risk for the company and lastly makes it clear to people both outside as well as inside the organ ization that information is one of the most crucial assets of the entity and thereby it is a must that the same should be protected else it would lead to legal consequences (Chapple 2002). One of the main benefits that SoftSolution would derive by implementing or having such a policy in place is that employees would be self-disciplined. Thus the Company would be able to secure more orders and customers as well since they would be aware that their company data is secured at its best (Lord, 2017). Risk Management Plan Post Acquisition Of Transact To make themanagement understand in a better manner the importance of my role in the company, I would like to detail out a formal risk management plan in short that is their within my mind with regards taking over the employees of TransAct. A risk management plan along with a cost-benefit analysis are an integral part of the continuity plans for any business. By foreseeing the probable risks and hence trying to mitigate them will ensure that the business is able to recover the same if any such mishap happens. In this scenario, the company is going to have people on board by compulsion i.e. due to the acquisition of TransAct and thereby have no way to interview them. Thereby simply basis the management being happy with them, they had to be taken up. Thus the information security policy which is there in place should be signed by all so that they are aware of the consequences of any unscrupulous acts. Secondly, formal training is also a must highlighting the integral parts of the policy documents. Further, if there has been a hack in the past then the same should be made aware to them so that they come to know about the punishments and its severity. This way the company will be able to ensure that the data is protected and at the same time also gain the benefit of the customers who are already working with TransAct and the employees who have rapport with them. Thus by ensuring that the risk management plan and policy is communicated and providing them timely training would ensure that the c ompany is benefitting more. They get a whole database of fresh customers and those employees as well who are well-versed with their requirements. In this manner they would be able to continue relationships with them and the trust factor would also be better. Last but not the least, these employees also know how to provide after sales services which is very crucial for the success of any company in todays competitive scenario. Further the present employees of SoftSolutions would also find it easy to communicate with the new clients via the employees of the new company thereby if any new employee misuses the information of the entity, even then the company would not loose out on the client. Thus the overall benefit of getting new business and support service trained employees is much more than the cost that would be incurred in implementing a risk management plan. Thus the said plan would work as a contingency plan as well that if any of the new employee tries to betray the company, then also they have the option of retaining the client by the services they provide and also employing another reliable employee. This way they would not loose a customer and also secure their data well (Lee, 2001). Conclusion Thereby, the said reading defines the importance of my job profile and further to this, it is not a one time affair, rather an ongoing one since the requirements of the safety of the information changes. Businesses are becoming so competitive and globalised, that the importance of safety of data specifically of clients is a priority which needs to be addressed continuously. The employees keep on changing, some may leave, new may join and the frauds conducted by any may give a lesson to the company to improvise upon the existing security policy and systems. With the system of improving periodically, so will the confidence and trust of the customers both new as well as prospective ones. The mind of the hackers and the insider fraudsters keeps on thinking upon newer ways to hurt the organization and thereby the need for the information security officer ensures that there is an ongoing improvisation upon the already placed security system. Therefore my position as an information security manager would benefit the organization both in safeguarding their data and reputation as well as gaining them financially as well. References: Ansanelli,J., (2005), Employees the biggest threat to network security, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Brdiczka,O., (2014), Insider Threats How they affect US Companies, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Brothy,W.K., (2008), Information Security Governance Guidance for Information Security Managers, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Cobb,M., (2015), Secure Public Wi-Fi : Locking down employees Wi-Fi security settings, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Chapple,M., Shinder,D.L., Tittel,E., (2002), Security Administration The Importance of a Security Policy, Chapter from the book: TICSA Certification : Information Security Basics, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Garrett,C., Importance of a security policy, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Kochetkova,K., (2015), 8 security rules for public Wi-Fi users, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Lord,N., (2017), Data Security Experts Reveal The Biggest Mistakes Companies Make with Data Information Security, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Lee,D.R., (2001), Developing Effective Information Security System Policies, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017) Ramdeyal,A., Eloff, M.M., (2010), A General methodology for the development of an effective information security policy, Available at (Accessed 11th October 2017)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dragons Essays - Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Health, Neuroscience

Dragons How many times during the night do we toss and turn, check the clock, and find it ticking away and tell ourselves, If I could fall asleep right now I would get at least five hours of sleep? But, sleep doesn't come so we continue to toss and turn. This happens to many people and may suffer from a disorder known as insomnia. People who suffer from this disorder have many complaints, and many have similar symptoms. Symptoms can vary from stress to pain to always feeling tired. Insomnia is a very difficult disease to have to live with. It is hard for both those that suffer from it and their family members. According to Linde and Savaley's, The Sleep Book, (1974), the person who has trouble sleeping is not alone (p. 9). They also claim, An estimated thirty million people suffer from chronic insomnia (p.9). Many non-insomniacs have occasional periods when they wonder if they'd make it through a sleepless night. Many insomniacs can't fall asleep because of pain and discomfort. Those that can fall asleep but can't stay asleep might be caused from depression, or too many things to worry about. In Ernest Hartmann's The Sleeping Pill (1978) some causes of insomnia (p. 113). He states that pain and discomfort do indeed play an important part in the difficulty remaining asleep. For those having difficulty remaining asleep might be because of depression or having too much to worry about. In Linde and Savary's, The Sleep Book (1974), Dr. Dale C. Friend claims, insomnia can be classified by four causes: tension, fatigue, discomfort, and in and out insomnia (p. 100). Tension insomnia occurs mostly in executives or people who worry about their businesses. Tension builds up inside during the day and is still inside at bedtime, it won't come out, so they tend to worry and are not able to go tot sleep. Fatigue insomnia happens when people who get tired during the day and then they take a nap in the early afternoon and as a result they cannot go to sleep at bedtime. People suffering from discomfort insomnia often complain of stomach upsets, such as ulcers, toothaches, or arthritis. This causes them to wake up during the night, which gives them discomfort. In and out insomnia occurs when patients feel that they didn't sleep at all during the night when they really did, but only stayed in the first stages of light sleep and woke up frequently throughout the night. Dr. Allan Rechtschaffen states in Linde and Savary's The Sleep Book, (1974) Insomniacs spend less time in REM sleep than normal sleepers (p. 110). REM sleep, or rapid eye movement sleep is the final stage of sleep reached in a normal sleep cycle. To better understand this cycle of sleep scientists have used an electroencephalogram to measure brain waves during sleep. A normal sleep cycle consists of five distinct stages with paradoxical, or REM stage being the final stage. REM sleep is what is commonly known as deep sleep. There are many other causes of Insomnia such as the many environmental causes said by Ernest Hartmann's The Sleeping Pill (1978). Hartmann states, any loud noise or sounds that can irritate or aggravate can disrupt a persons sleep (p. 116). When trying to sleep, the littlest things can bother someone's sleep whether hearing the bathroom water faucet dripping or even the heater coming on during the night. All these things can keep a person up all night when they are suffering from insomnia. He also claims, there is a condition sometimes called 'habit insomnia' (p. 116). Habit insomnia is when something caused the insomnia in the past so when the sufferer associates it into habit. For example, when the see the bed that they have difficulty sleeping on, they condition themselves to think that they can't sleep because of the bed, therefore they don't sleep. In Mendelson's Human Sleep and It's Disorders, (1977) Incidence of insomnia was found by doing a sampling of 1,645 persons and it was found that 14% of those tested had trouble getting to sleep, (Karacan, et. al., 1973). The results tended to be higher for women than men and as age increased. Tiller, studied 83 healthy

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Winter Visitors

As winter approaches, many elderly â€Å"snowbirds† have returned to Florida to enjoy the mild weather. Because of several â€Å"close encounters† with elderly drivers who were driving erratically, the writer wished to discover if those individuals have more accidents than do their younger counterparts. A casual review of the literature shows that older drivers become more crash-prone with age, even though they drive less miles. In addition, because older drivers are more fragile, their fatality rates are 17 times higher than those of 25- to 64-year olds. The problem at hand is the high accident and death rate associated with a large population of elderly drivers. Last year, a woman sitting in the nail salon, enjoying a refreshing manicure looked up to see a bright red Cadillac coming through the shop window, stopping just short of a startled patron. Fortunately, no one was injured. The newspaper report of this incident stated that the 87 year old driver was in a hurry to get to her appointment, and drove into the parking lot at an excessive speed. When she thought she was putting her foot on the brake, she actually stepped on the accelerator and drove through the window. The newspaper also stated that this was not an uncommon cause of similar accidents- thinking that the accelerator pedal was the brake pedal. America is undergoing a major demographic transformation. The â€Å" graying of America† has resulted in an increase in the number of elderly drivers. Drivers over 70 years of age number 18 million today, up from 13 million in 1985. Why do these very experienced drives have such an excessive number of accidents? Although driving seems an easy activity, it actually requires the complex coordination of many different skills. Sometimes, when elderly drivers are the ones behind the wheel, this coordination is hard to accomplish. Older drivers experience physical changes that can affect driving ability such as: changes in v... Free Essays on Winter Visitors Free Essays on Winter Visitors As winter approaches, many elderly â€Å"snowbirds† have returned to Florida to enjoy the mild weather. Because of several â€Å"close encounters† with elderly drivers who were driving erratically, the writer wished to discover if those individuals have more accidents than do their younger counterparts. A casual review of the literature shows that older drivers become more crash-prone with age, even though they drive less miles. In addition, because older drivers are more fragile, their fatality rates are 17 times higher than those of 25- to 64-year olds. The problem at hand is the high accident and death rate associated with a large population of elderly drivers. Last year, a woman sitting in the nail salon, enjoying a refreshing manicure looked up to see a bright red Cadillac coming through the shop window, stopping just short of a startled patron. Fortunately, no one was injured. The newspaper report of this incident stated that the 87 year old driver was in a hurry to get to her appointment, and drove into the parking lot at an excessive speed. When she thought she was putting her foot on the brake, she actually stepped on the accelerator and drove through the window. The newspaper also stated that this was not an uncommon cause of similar accidents- thinking that the accelerator pedal was the brake pedal. America is undergoing a major demographic transformation. The â€Å" graying of America† has resulted in an increase in the number of elderly drivers. Drivers over 70 years of age number 18 million today, up from 13 million in 1985. Why do these very experienced drives have such an excessive number of accidents? Although driving seems an easy activity, it actually requires the complex coordination of many different skills. Sometimes, when elderly drivers are the ones behind the wheel, this coordination is hard to accomplish. Older drivers experience physical changes that can affect driving ability such as: changes in v...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parenting of adolecents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Parenting of adolecents - Essay Example Parenting is harder in this current world because many parents do not seem to know when too much fear is too much, or when they are not displaying enough concern. Some parents fear more than they should, which often results in their adolescents being uncertain and scared of the world. Instead of growing up and exploring the world that is available to them, they prefer to remain under the protection of their parents -- something that many parents are more than happy to offer if it means not having to let go of their children. Stepping back enough to let their children grow and move on is perhaps the hardest part of parenting in general. There are parents that do not feel that they have taught their children everything they need to know about growing up and living on their own. Due to this, some parents just increase their overprotection, which can be seen as an unconscious attempt at keeping their children from leaving. Parents seldom know when they have taught their children all that they can to prepare them for the world. Unfortunately, this is when many of the unfounded fears come out. As a result, a parent can either push their child away, or they can make their children have their own unfounded fears.